


If you look like Napoleon Dynamite when you breathe, then this post is for you!

Image result for teeth of mouth breather vs nose breather

It’s perfectly natural to breathe through your mouth sometimes: for example, when you’re working out or you have a cold. But if you’ve become a habitual mouth breather, you may want to consider stopping this bad habit.

Why? Aside from the chronic health problems it can bring, breathing through your mouth can actually change the shape of your face and your appearance. This is especially true for children because they’re still growing. Untreated mouth breathing can lead to abnormal facial and dental development.

The effects of proper breathing habits were first noted in observations of early Native Americans, who were known for their chiseled jaws and beautiful teeth. These physical attributes were thought to be directly related to the fact that Native Americans had learned from childhood to breathe through their nose.

This theory was scientifically proven more recently in tests using monkeys. Monkeys that had their noses plugged and had to breathe through their months began to show changes in their facial development.

What Is The Cause of Mouth Breathing?

Mouth-breathing often starts in childhood and may result from certain health disorders such as allergies and enlarged tonsils. If not corrected, the habit can continue to change a person’s face throughout their life.

Depending on the extent of the problem, the chin may continue to recede the jaw and cheeks. As this occurs, the tissue can, over time, change the shape of the nose. Mouth-breathing can even have adverse effects on the straightness of the teeth by bringing about changes in the tongue and jaw.

What Are The Side Effects Of Mouth Breathing?

Using the mouth for breathing disrupts our natural body mechanics. It can affect a number of bodily functions and lead to symptoms such as:

  • Headaches
  • Gingivitis and gum disease
  • A sore throat and cold symptoms
  • Bad breath and higher risk for cavities
  • Poor sleep—leading to chronic fatigue
  • Digestive disturbances—gas, upset stomach, acid reflux, etc.producing, bacterial infections and reducing a person’s oxygen supply.

The inhaling and exhaling of air through the mouth has been linked to physical changes in the face.

Physical Side Effects of Mouth Breathing:

  • Long, narrow faces and mouths
  • Less defined cheekbones
  • Small lower jaws
  • “Weak” chin

How Does Mouth Breathing Change The Shape Of A Face?

Mouth breathing causes the mouth to grow forward and downward. In turn, this growth can cause the face to sag and the chin to recede. The proper development of the airway is thus necessary when it comes to maintaining proper “oral posture” and preventing these physical changes.

Mouth breathers facial changes
The picture above shows a set of twins. The twin on the right breathes through her mouth, while the twin on the left breathes through her nose.

The picture above shows that the normal growth of the face is forward, and this growth is achieved through proper oral posture, which is the pressure exerted by the tongue as it rests in the roof of the mouth.

A mouth-breathing person doesn’t rest their tongue on the roof of their mouth, thus the jaws can’t be properly shaped by the tongue. Furthermore, the natural forward growth of the jaws is impeded, resulting in flattened cheeks and jaws that are set back from their ideal position, compromising airflow.

Not only does mouth breathing cause a physical change in the facial development; such breathing also adversely affects body posture.

In the mouth breather, the head is tilted backward, so the weight of the head shifts toward the back of the skull. If a person can correct their head position by establishing nasal breathing, then the skull will be able to grow with a more favorable pattern. This improved growth pattern will be reflected throughout the skull, including the dental arches.

Habitual breathing through the nose is a must for correct development of the jaws, face, and airways. Breathing through the nose, with the tongue resting on the roof of the mouth, helps establish the ideal conditions for normal facial development. The practice of breathing through the mouth can eventually reduce the size of the airway due to changes in the jaw, leading to obstructive sleep apnea.

mouth breathing side effects


For correct skull and facial growth to take place, early intervention to establish nasal breathing and tongue posture is essential. The negative effects of mouth breathing on the structure of the jaws and face will have the most impact when they occur before puberty, so there’s only a brief window of opportunity to prevent significant changes in facial structure.

How To Stop Mouth Breathing

I know it may not be easy for everyone to breathe through their nose, but I’ve compiled some tips to help you change your mouth breathing habit.

1. Use Nasal Dilator Strips

If you have a very narrow nose then you may be prone to have flimsy nostrils. You can test if you have flimsy nostrils by taking both index fingers and pressing them just beside your nostrils on your cheek. Firmly press on your cheeks, lift skin upwards and sideways, pointing towards the outer corners of your eyes. Take a deep breath in.If you can breathe much better through your nose then you may benefit from using nasal dilator strips at night.

Another way of treating this condition is to use various internal dilators, such as Nozovent, Breathewitheez, and nasal cones, that you can find over the counter.

2. Try saline sprays and an neti pot

You can moisten your nasal passages for easier breathing by using a simple, inexpensive bottle of saline that puts out a fine mist. More sophisticated methods include aerosol saline sprays and even the Waterpik machine (you can buy a nasal adaptor for this).

Another popular way to soothe dry nasal passages is with a neti pot, which uses gravity to flush saltwater through your nose and sinuses. You can either use prepared saline packages or mix your own recipe (1 cup of lukewarm water, 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt or Kosher salt, and a pinch of baking soda).

Whatever method you use to clean and moisten the inside of your nose, use it frequently for best results. Saline removes mucus, pollutants, and allergens while also acting as a mild decongestant.

3. 3. Stop eating 3 hours before bed

If you go to bed with a full stomach, undigested food and stomach juices can leak into your throat and nose. Acid reflux not only can prevent a good night’s sleep but also can causing inflame the esophagus and nasal passages. In addition, because many people at least occasionally stop breathing while they’re asleep, a vacuum effect can occur in the throat and actively suction stomach juices up into your throat and nose.

4.  Avoid drinking alcohol close to bedtime

Alcohol irritates the stomach and relaxes your throat muscles as you sleep, both of which aggravate the acid reflux described above.

5. Remove allergies in your room

If you have any known allergies, especially in your bedroom,  try to either remove it or lessen your exposure to it. Learn how to remove allergies in your bedroom.

6. Get regular exercise outdoors.

Personally, I prefer an outdoor workout over the gym any day. Plus oxygen concentration tends to be lower indoors because of the buildup of carbon dioxide and other gases.

When you work out outdoors, not only are you exercising your heart and your muscles; you’re also exercising the nervous system in your nose. Vigorous physical activity activates your sympathetic nervous system, which constricts the blood vessels that supply the small bones inside your nostrils. Constricted blood vessels help you breathe better through your nose, with all the added benefits described in my previous article.

7. Relax

Lastly, slow down and relax. Modern society has all but eliminated rest breaks. Along with information overload and constant stimulation, going nonstop all day only adds to the increased stress levels that everyone experiences.

In between major activities, take a minute or so to stop what you’re doing, stretch, get up, move around, and do some deep-breathing exercises. Stress can tense up the muscles, causing you to breathe more shallowly, which causes physiologic changes that can ultimately worsen nasal congestion.

These seven simple steps won’t help everyone, but if you can apply as many of them as possible, you should notice some improvement in your ability to breathe through your nose. If you’ve tried all these steps and still can’t breathe through your nose, then seek medical help. An otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor, or ENT) is the best doctor to manage this condition.

How To  Correct Your Tongue Posture – Aka, Mewing.

So, genetics and plastic surgery aren’t the only factors in facial development. There’s a way to correct your tongue posture by something known as “mewing.” Although you shouldn’t expect miracles, mewing can really help correct mouth breathing, which will in turn improve your facial structure.

The following video gives a short but clear explanation of mewing:

As babies, we were meant to eat hard foods to develop the jaw properly and, more importantly, widen the palate. Good jaw development and a roomy palate encourage the tongue–roof of mouth posture, in which the tongue acts as a support beam for normal facial development.


As babies, we were meant to eat hard foods to develop the jaw properly and, more importantly, widen the palate. Good jaw development and a roomy palate encourage the tongue–roof of mouth posture, in which the tongue acts as a support beam for normal facial development.


As babies, we were meant to eat hard foods to develop the jaw properly and, more importantly, widen the palate. Good jaw development and a roomy palate encourage the tongue–roof of mouth posture, in which the tongue acts as a support beam for normal facial development.

mouth breather face


Chances are you’re reading this and thinking to yourself, It’s too late to implement these changes. Luckily, that’s not true at all!

Between children and adult, the difference between bone malleability is that when you reach adulthood bone density increases, which means bone changes are much slower but still consistently over time will show improvements.

When you reach maturity, your bones do become denser and less malleable. There’s no nonsurgical solution for creating model-like facial structure. But bone changes can still occur over time to the point of noticeable facial improvements—as long as you remember the following three factors in proper tongue posture.

Steps For Correct Tongue Posture:

  1. Teeth together
  2. Lips together
  3. Tongue on the roof of the mouth and don’t mouth breathe!

Smile as wide as you can and then swallow to force the tongue toward the roof of the mouth. Next, push your tongue upward from this position, ensuring the back part of the tongue is in firm contact with the soft palate.

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t fit your full tongue on the roof of your mouth. If you have a narrow palate, you’ll cut off your airway when trying to flatten your tongue against the back third of your palate. With time, your palate will expand and your airway will open up.

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t fit your full tongue on the roof of your mouth. If you have a narrow palate, you’ll cut off your airway when trying to flatten your tongue against the back third of your palate. With time, your palate will expand and your airway will open up.

The hourglass figure has long been revered as the epitome of femininity and attractiveness, but it’s important to remember that every body is unique and beautiful in its own way. That being said, if you’re interested in achieving an hourglass figure, there are some diet, exercise, and clothing tips that may be helpful to you. It’s important to remember that these changes should be made for your own self-confidence and happiness, not to meet society’s narrow beauty standards. You deserve to feel good in your own skin, no matter what your body shape or size may be. With a little bit of effort and patience, you can learn how to embrace and enhance your natural curves.

Diet and Nutrition For An Hourglass Figure

Proper nutrition is an essential component of any healthy lifestyle, and it’s especially important if you’re striving for an hourglass figure. A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. It’s also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

To slim down your waist and create more definition in your hourglass shape, it’s helpful to focus on low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods. Some examples of these types of foods include:

  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale
  • Berries such as strawberries and blueberries
  • Lean proteins like chicken, fish, and tofu
  • Whole grains like quinoa and brown rice

In addition to choosing the right types of foods, it’s also important to pay attention to portion sizes. It’s easy to overeat, especially when you’re eating high-calorie, processed foods. To help control portion sizes, try using a smaller plate or bowl, and be mindful of your hunger and fullness levels.

When women lose weight, it generally is lost in other parts of the body first. Much to a woman’s frustration, the fat in the hips and thighs is usually the last to go, and the most difficult to lose, as the body stores this valuable fat for the purpose of pregnancy and breastfeeding. According to Will Lassek, M.D., and Steven Gaulin, Ph.D. in the book, “Why Women Need Fat”, the fat that is stored in a women’s hips and thighs is rich in a very valuable substance that is concentrated in this part of the body. This fat is high in something called DHA, which is a component of the Omega 3 fatty acids in our diets.

In addition to a balanced diet, some studies have suggested that including estrogen-rich foods in your diet may help to increase the size of the breasts and hips, creating a more pronounced hourglass shape. Estrogen is a hormone that plays a role in the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, such as the breasts and hips.

Examples of estrogen-rich foods include:

  • Soy products like tofu, edamame, and tempeh
  • Flaxseeds
  • Fruits like apples, cherries, and pears
  • Vegetables like beets, carrots, and fennel

    It’s important to note that the effects of estrogen on the body are complex and not fully understood, and more research is needed in this area. It’s also worth noting that estrogen levels can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, age, and overall health. As with any dietary changes, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.

Pro Tip – Cut way back on the Omega 6 fats by avoiding processed grains and vegetable oils. Not only will you have a better body shape, but you will decrease the amount of inflammation and YOUR brain will be healthier and function better as well.

Healthy Nutrition to Lose Weight and Build Curves

Go for fresh foods, lots of greens, fruits, lean meats and whole grains. There are tons of diets out there, some fads, and some with rave reviews. I have friends who are on a low to no carbohydrate diet and some who have tried a raw food diet, but for me it was all about balance, which meant simply clean eating and portion control. I am a big believer that the amount of physical activity you do should directly correlate with how many calories you consume.

Getting into the right eating habits will not only help shed some of the pounds, but also promote hormonal balance. This is key for a female looking to maintain her curves. If your hormones are out of proportion, that could increase androgen levels. Androgens happen to be male hormones. Having an imbalance in this area can affect how your body deposits fats.

Balance Your Hormones

Estrogen is a female hormone that is responsible whether you get a curvy body or a formless body. In women whose estrogen levels are low, fat packs to wrong places. Women with elevated androgen levels (male hormones) are completely flat or formless, like boys. However, having estrogen levels that are too high can also cause obesity. This is why hormonal balance is so important. ( You can read about it in my last post.)

Estrogen influences fat deposits to hips, thighs and butt. Whereas androgen tends to send them to the upper body. That explains the difference in physique between men and women and why transgender individuals are often placed on estrogen medication, to help feminize their features and body shape.
If your estrogen levels are on the lower side, you can supplement your diet with foods and herbs that can help to replenish estrogen levels. Here are my favorite herbs that are traditionally used to increase curves. Always check with a doctor before beginning any supplement product.

Best Supplements For Natural Curve Enhancement

1) Maca

Maca is a root plant cultivated in South America and has been used by the natives for healing purposes and consumption as food. According to Cathy Wong, a licensed naturopathic doctor, some of the proposed benefits of maca root powder are helping to address issues of fatigue, certain symptoms of menopause and sexual dysfunction in men and women.
Certain studies have also linked maca root powder with helping to regulate and balance hormones in men and women. According to Vitaminstohealth.com, maca root works by telling your hypothalamus-pituitary gland when it is producing too much or too little of a particular hormone, helping to regulate that hormone.
The beauty of maca is that it contains no hormones unlike many other herbs that are traditionally used to increase curves. It works with your pituitary glands to promote hormones at optimal levels.

I get mine straight from Amazon:

The standard dosage for maca is 500mg daily and can be taken up to 3000mg or 6x daily. Anything more than that might be overkill. Maca is also a stimulant and has been reported to cause rapid heartbeats in women and the likelihood of this happening increases with a higher dose.
Maca can encourage a more feminine figure by helping to regulate your system and an increased estrogen level can mean more fat deposits in breasts, hips and the booty.
Now keep in mind, your body shape is not solely determined by your hormones. Genetics as well as bone structure are also huge factors. So you have to be realistic.  The main point is promoting optimal hormonal balance can impact the shape of your body and a healthy diet can have a positive impact on hormonal levels.
Personally, I prefer maca in powder form and find that it absorbs better. It can be easily mixed into smoothies, almond milk or other fruit juices. Combining maca with strength training workouts that target areas such as glutes, thighs, hips and lower back to accentuate the curves, can produce fantastic results.

2) Fenugreek

Fenugreek contains a special component known as diosgenin that increases estrogen levels in the body, resulting in bigger breasts and fuller curves overall. Fenugreek does contain phytoestrogens that mimic human estrogens and help to regulate hormones. The standard dosage for fenugreek is 500-1,000mg daily
The one I get is the Soleray brand, you can find it in Wholefoods or directly from Amazon.

3) Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is rich in a variety of potent ingredients. It has flavonoids, plant sterols and fatty acids. It is also brimming with polysaccharides, sugars that are effective in boosting the immune system.

Saw Palmetto is said to mimic the effects of estrogen which increase breast and butt size, especially in puberty and pregnancy. When you take Saw Palmetto supplements, you can spike up the estrogen levels in your body – therefore resulting in bigger butt and breasts.

Apart from increasing estrogen levels in the body, consuming Saw Palmetto also results in the production of prolactin, a hormone usually found in nursing mothers. This substance is the main reason why nursing mothers have bigger breasts and wider hips.

Again here is one I get from Amazon, or you can find it at Wholefoods:

Aside from helping enhance your curves, it’s also great for:

  • Regulated Menstruation
  • Cure for Acne
  • Hair Growth
  • Clearing Internal Passageways

The Fitness Plan to Lose Weight and Maintain Curves

In addition to diet, working out can help tone the right areas while lifting and emphasizing the others. A curvy silhouette is an hourglass in shape, defined shoulders, small waist and full hips, thighs and butt. Light cardio or running, accompanied by strength training, can accentuate your natural curves.
If you’re seriously looking to beef up the booty, then consider weightlifting. Anyone can add volume to any part of their body through targeted, intense weight training supplemented by protein shakes. It’s the same concept men use to build up their biceps or pecs.
Utilizing heavy weights, you work out the area you are looking to accentuate until the muscle is fatigued, this means heavier weights and less reps.

Best Exercise For Rounded Hips and Bigger Bottom

1)Sumo Squats

You may already be familiar with squats, the most popular exercise for building a bigger butt. Sumo squats are probably the best exercise for wider hips. They target your inner and outer hips and promote muscle growth in those areas. If you already do squats as part of your butt building routine, be sure to add so Sumos. The wider the stance the more you will target inner thighs. Sumos are great, they not only target the hips, they work out the entire body from butt to back.

2)Cable Hip Abductions

One of the best ways to target the hips. Hips abductions are not as easy as they look. They are also kind of tricky to do correctly. Even though they recommend higher reps, I would keep it moderate and use a body building approach. With a moderate weight try to do 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps. You want to add to resistance, without getting hurt. Never go too heavy and increase weight slowly thought out the month.

3) Wall  Sits 
Image result for wall sits

Wall squats (also called wall sits) are the perfect exercise to strengthen your upper legs. Stand with your back against a wall, placing your feet about two feet out in front of you. Feet should be hip-distance apart. Bending your knees, slide your back down the wall until your knees are at 90-degree angles.

Stick to your routine, switch up your exercises, and always be increasing your weight. Reps for bodybuilding are 8-15, but before doing your set you should set a smaller range (for example, 10-12).

4) One Leg- Cable Kick Backs 

This cable glute kickback effectively targets your glutes(butt) by isolating the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and your hamstring muscles.

It helps you develop shapely legs while increasing muscle tone of the lower body.

If you are performing this hips extension move on your leg day, add it to the last on your list.

The best way to see results is to progress every time with added weight once you get the proper form down. Make it your mission to progress in weight every time you do any exercise.

  1. Stand to face the weight stack and grasp the cable tower for support.
  2. With your knees slightly bent and your abs drawn in, slowly kick your right leg back until your hip is fully extended back with your glutes contracted.
  3.  Pause for 1-2 seconds, then slowly bring your right leg back to the starting position and repeat.
  4. That’s one rep. Do 10-12 reps for 2-3 sets. Repeat on the other side.

Basically, in order to give a rounder, curvier appearance to the hips, the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, hip abductor, hip abductor, hamstrings, and quadriceps need to be worked (however, I notice that working the quads too much gives an odd appearance to the knees.)

The idea is, by tearing down the muscle fibers your body is forced to repair itself by building new muscles to support the strain, and over time, the area becomes thicker and thicker.
Immediately after working out the area, you drink a healthy protein shake which helps your body to repair and build up muscles in the region.
In addition to beefing up the butt, the aim should be a total body workout to shrink belly fat, pump up chest muscles as well as tone back fat, calves and arms. All these different factors will affect how curvy your body looks.

If you’ve ever seen a belly dancer, then you know it can go a long way to tone up the right areas, making the body appear curvy. I suggest combining cardio or running with some belly dancing lessons, which can be both exhilarating and fun.

Lastly, something that I believe to be highly important to maintaining a lovely, shapely physique is posture. Your curvy frame won’t look as alluring if you’re constantly slouched over. That is where a little bit of yoga 1-2 times a week can really help to stretch the muscles and encourage good posture.

Remember to achieve the best results you must be dedicated to working out, incorporating strength training, eating a right amount of fats and protein to enhance targeted muscle growth, and taking the supplements recommended. If there are any other comments and recommendations, please feel free to share your insight below!


Perioral dermatitis,  is something I’ve been struggling for about over two years. It started as a dime-sized reddish raised oval patch on my chin that looked almost, but not quite like acne. It waxed and waned over time but never completely disappeared. It’s taken a toll on my self-esteem since I was used to having clear skin during my teenage years. I haven’t been able to really embrace my early 20’s since I was constantly breaking out around my mouth. I didn’t want to fix this with antibiotics as this would only make it worse in a few years time. So it was essential for me to fix this problem at the root.

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